Sunday,  February 16 , 2025

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Photo of Al Thomas

Stories by Al Thomas

Columbian Outdoors Reporter

Machelle Dotson holds a steelhead landed in October in the Columbia River near the mouth of the Deschutes River.

Steelhead fishing restrictions begin June 16

Machelle Dotson holds a steelhead landed in October in the Columbia River near the mouth of the Deschutes River.

June 9, 2017, 5:37pm Clark County News

Anglers in Columbia, Cowlitz, Lewis, Wind, White Salmon rivers, plus Drano Lake, will be cut back to conserve poorest run in 37 years Read story

The Cowlitz River study will examine hooking mortality for a variety of gear types, including lures.

Hooking mortality study starts on Cowlitz River

The Cowlitz River study will examine hooking mortality for a variety of gear types, including lures.

June 8, 2017, 6:06am Latest News

Research results on chinook, coho and steelhead likely to be applied to a variety of Northwest recreational fisheries Read story

Shad counts are far below average at Bonneville Dam, likely due to the high streamflow in the Columbia River.

Fishing report 6/8

Shad counts are far below average at Bonneville Dam, likely due to the high streamflow in the Columbia River.

June 8, 2017, 6:05am Latest News

Sturgeon retention will be open on Saturday both in the Columbia estuary, plus in Bonneville pool; trout fishing opened strong at Swift Reservoir and Yale Reservoir yielding kokanee Read story

Frank Adams of Orting, Wash., holds a winter steelhead he caught in the Cowlitz River near the trout hatchery.

Overhaul coming for winter steelhead streams

Frank Adams of Orting, Wash., holds a winter steelhead he caught in the Cowlitz River near the trout hatchery.

June 1, 2017, 6:04am Latest News

Local hatcheries to change stocks to comply with federal requirements to protect wild fish Read story

Anglers in the Columbia River Gorge are catching lots of smallmouth bass, shown here, in addition to walleye.

Fishing report 6/1

Anglers in the Columbia River Gorge are catching lots of smallmouth bass, shown here, in addition to walleye.

June 1, 2017, 6:03am Latest News

Trout season opens Saturday in Swift Reservoir with 45,000 rainbow trout stocked for anglers Read story

Guide Bob Rees unhooks a sturgeon prior to release in the Columbia River estuary near Hammond, Ore.

Columbia sturgeon retention to resume Monday

Guide Bob Rees unhooks a sturgeon prior to release in the Columbia River estuary near Hammond, Ore.

May 31, 2017, 3:54pm Latest News

Washington, Oregon approve six days of fishing in the estuary, with seasons upstream anticipated in fall Read story

Eight days of sturgeon retention are proposed for June in the Columbia River estuary. It would be the first retention fishery in the lower Columbia since 2013.

Sturgeon retention opener mulled for lower Columbia

Eight days of sturgeon retention are proposed for June in the Columbia River estuary. It would be the first retention fishery in the lower Columbia since 2013.

May 27, 2017, 6:03am Clark County News

Anglers would get a chance to keep a sturgeon in the lower river for the first time since 2013 if season is adopted Read story

Road No. 83 is gated closed at Marble Mountain Sno-Park. The popular Lahar and Lava Canyon areas on the south side of Mount St. Helens will not be accessible for Memorial Day weekend.

Spring starting snow in Gifford Pinchot National Forest

Road No. 83 is gated closed at Marble Mountain Sno-Park. The popular Lahar and Lava Canyon areas on the south side of Mount St. Helens will not be accessible for Memorial Day weekend.

May 25, 2017, 6:05am Outdoors

Most spots above 3,000 feet elevation remain inaccessible by vehicle for Memorial Day weekend Read story

Coldwater Lake contains lots of trout, but has a one-fish limit and a 16-inch minimum-size requirement.

Fishing report 5/25

Coldwater Lake contains lots of trout, but has a one-fish limit and a 16-inch minimum-size requirement.

May 25, 2017, 6:03am Latest News

Road closure prevents trout stocking for opening day at Canyon Creek Read story

North Lewis River spring chinook bounce back

May 18, 2017, 6:05am Latest News

Salmon return to long-suffering stream expected to double forecast Read story