Monday,  February 10 , 2025

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Photo of Al Thomas

Stories by Al Thomas

Columbian Outdoors Reporter

The Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail through Goat Rocks is popular, but many locations in the wilderness are hard to reach due to roads lacking maintenance.

Trails group plans focus on Goat Rocks Wilderness

The Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail through Goat Rocks is popular, but many locations in the wilderness are hard to reach due to roads lacking maintenance.

March 20, 2017, 6:03am Latest News

Washington Trails Association to work toward improving road and trail maintenance to lesser-used portions of popular spot in northern Gifford Pinchot National Forest Read story

Washington and Oregon officials will attempt to negotiate their differences regarding gillnetting in the lower Columbia River.

Oregon adopts Columbia River salmon reforms

Washington and Oregon officials will attempt to negotiate their differences regarding gillnetting in the lower Columbia River.

March 17, 2017, 7:28pm Clark County News

Policy adopted by state's Fish and Wildlife Commission is closer, but not identical, to reforms approved by Washington Read story

Anglers will need to wear hip boots, or possibly waders, if they want to use the dock at Marine Park along the Columbia River in Vancouver. Despite the sign, there's little chance of doing much prop damage.

Fishing report 3/16

Anglers will need to wear hip boots, or possibly waders, if they want to use the dock at Marine Park along the Columbia River in Vancouver. Despite the sign, there's little chance of doing much prop damage.

March 16, 2017, 6:04am Latest News

High streamflow in Columbia River will make spring chinook fishing more challenging than ever Read story

Hoof disease has crossed the Columbia River and been observed in elk in northwest Oregon, as evidenced by this 2015 trail camera photo.

Elk hoof disease legislation gains support

Hoof disease has crossed the Columbia River and been observed in elk in northwest Oregon, as evidenced by this 2015 trail camera photo.

March 15, 2017, 10:48am Outdoors

Testimony before state House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee supports measure to involve Washington State University in assessing growing problem of elk with deformed or damaged hoofs Read story

Guide Paul Ambrose of La Center with a sturgeon caught in the Bonneville pool downstream from Drano Lake.

Sturgeon retention to close in Bonneville, The Dalles pools

Guide Paul Ambrose of La Center with a sturgeon caught in the Bonneville pool downstream from Drano Lake.

March 14, 2017, 9:33am Latest News

Catch-and-release anglng will continue to be allowed in both Columbia River Gorge locations Read story

Fishing report 3/10

March 10, 2017, 6:04am Clark County News

Second spring chinook counted at Bonneville Dam; walleye fishing fair in upper end of The Dalles pool Read story

Gillnetters in the lower Columbia River say their fisheries fill niches in the market when high-quality salmon are not available from other waters.

Oregon seeks compromise on Columbia salmon fishing reforms

Gillnetters in the lower Columbia River say their fisheries fill niches in the market when high-quality salmon are not available from other waters.

March 9, 2017, 6:05am Clark County News

Proposal would align Washington, Oregon policies on allocation, commercial fishing methods for waters downstream of Bonneville Dam Read story

No spring chinook fishing this year in Deschutes River

March 7, 2017, 12:02pm Latest News

Oregon officials says forecast is too low to allow for angling; Hood River to have season from April 15 through June 30 Read story

Coho fishing off northern Oregon and Washington was restricted severely in 2016, but officials hope for a somewhat better season in 2017.

Ocean conditions appear improving for salmon

Coho fishing off northern Oregon and Washington was restricted severely in 2016, but officials hope for a somewhat better season in 2017.

March 2, 2017, 6:04am Latest News

It's likely to take a year or two before better conditions in north Pacific result in higher fish survival Read story

Smelt dipping was a bust Saturday in the lower Cowlitz River and no additional opportunities are anticipated in 2017.

Fishing report 3/2

Smelt dipping was a bust Saturday in the lower Cowlitz River and no additional opportunities are anticipated in 2017.

March 2, 2017, 6:03am Latest News

Interest building in Columbia spring chinook angling; walleye catches improve near John Day Dam; kokanee showing some in Merwin Reservoir Read story