Sunday,  February 16 , 2025

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Photo of Al Thomas

Stories by Al Thomas

Columbian Outdoors Reporter

Hatchery woes reduced Cowlitz River steelhead release

February 6, 2017, 6:04am Latest News

State officials say they should have been more open about problems regarding summer steelhead at Cowlitz Trout Hatchery Read story

Elk hoof disease has crossed the Columbia River into Oregon.

Legislation would allow citizen euthanization of limping elk

Elk hoof disease has crossed the Columbia River into Oregon.

February 4, 2017, 6:03am Outdoors

Bill would allow landowners, hunting license holders and tribal members to shoot limping elk from areas with hoof disease regardless of date, area or tag Read story

Fishing report 2/2

February 2, 2017, 6:05am Latest News

Horseshoe, Kress and Rowland lakes stocked with trout or surplus winter steelhead, but angling opportunities lean due to lousy weather conditions Read story

Volunteers needed to fix Blandford Canyon trail

February 2, 2017, 6:01am Outdoors

Work party scheduled Saturday by Washington Trails Association Read story

Dippers flock to the lower Cowlitz River whenever a sport season is open.

State plans wait-and-watch approach to Cowlitz smelt dipping season

Dippers flock to the lower Cowlitz River whenever a sport season is open.

January 31, 2017, 11:47am Latest News

One day of dipping is anticipated if landings in Columbia River commercial season average 150 pounds per vessel Read story

There is little to go wrong with snowshoes and they are inexpensive to rent.

Snowshoes: Simple and inexpensive

There is little to go wrong with snowshoes and they are inexpensive to rent.

January 26, 2017, 6:02am Outdoors

Snowmobiles, trailers and tow vehicles can provide for grand winter recreation, but their combined cost is in the tens of thousands of dollars. Read story

Fall gillnetting would continue indefinitely in the Columbia River between Woodland and Beacon Rock under Oregon's plan, but would end beginning in 2019 under the Washington plan.

Oregon adopts Columbia River salmon reform plan

Fall gillnetting would continue indefinitely in the Columbia River between Woodland and Beacon Rock under Oregon's plan, but would end beginning in 2019 under the Washington plan.

January 20, 2017, 8:53pm Clark County News

Oregon's decision allows gillnets to continue in summer and fall and favors commercials more than Washington's plan Read story

Sturgeon have moved from the lower Columbia River into tributaries such as the Willamette, Sandy, Lewis and Cowlitz rivers, presumably to find refuge from predation by sea lions.

Sampling finds mixed numbers of Columbia sturgeon

Sturgeon have moved from the lower Columbia River into tributaries such as the Willamette, Sandy, Lewis and Cowlitz rivers, presumably to find refuge from predation by sea lions.

January 19, 2017, 6:06am Editor's Choice

Population estimates vary widely for the river between the ocean and Bonneville Dam Read story

Young salmon and steelhead are captured at the Swift Floating Collector (center) then trucked downstream and released in the Lewis River downstream of Merwin Dam.

Spring chinook shortfall threatens N. Lewis restoration

Young salmon and steelhead are captured at the Swift Floating Collector (center) then trucked downstream and released in the Lewis River downstream of Merwin Dam.

January 19, 2017, 6:04am Outdoors

Program to restore salmon upstream of Swift Dam may be suspended temporarily until runs improve in lower river Read story

Oregon to decide Friday on Columbia salmon reforms

January 19, 2017, 6:01am Clark County News

The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will meet here Friday to make its decision on the Columbia River salmon management reforms. The session will begin at 8 a.m. at the state Department of Fish and Wildlife headquarters, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive S.E. In… Read story