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Photo of Susan Parrish

Stories by Susan Parrish

Columbian Education Reporter

(Columbian files)

Mediator joins Evergreen schools contract talks

(Columbian files)

August 17, 2016, 7:18pm Clark County News

With less than two weeks until school begins, a state-appointed mediator is joining contract negotiations between the Evergreen Education Association and Evergreen Public Schools today. The mediator is provided by the state’s Public Employment Relations Commission. Read story

Vancouver Public Schools students can get free haircuts, clothing, shoes, immunizations and more, and their families can learn about resources available to them at the Go Ready festival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday at Hudson's Bay High School.

Vancouver schools offer free shots, vision checks at Go Ready

Vancouver Public Schools students can get free haircuts, clothing, shoes, immunizations and more, and their families can learn about resources available to them at the Go Ready festival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday at Hudson's Bay High School.

August 17, 2016, 6:06am Clark County News

Vancouver Public Schools students and their families can receive free immunizations and vision screenings, haircuts, used clothing and more at Go Ready, the district’s third annual back-to-school-readiness festival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday at Hudson’s Bay High School, 1601 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Read story

Seth Albert, 21, manager at Camas Municipal Pool, chats with lifeguard Laura Teames while keeping an eye on a busy pool.

Camas ponders beloved pool’s future

Seth Albert, 21, manager at Camas Municipal Pool, chats with lifeguard Laura Teames while keeping an eye on a busy pool.

August 17, 2016, 6:00am Clark County Life

Standing on the edge of the deep end, a girl lifted her blue goggles and shouted: "Lillian! Watch me belly flop!" Read story

Trevor Bryant uses an iPad in Monica Hughey's sixth grade class at McLoughlin Middle School, one of the Vancouver district schools piloting the iPad program.

Superintendent releases Washington schools test scores

Trevor Bryant uses an iPad in Monica Hughey's sixth grade class at McLoughlin Middle School, one of the Vancouver district schools piloting the iPad program.

August 16, 2016, 7:42pm Clark County News

Scores on tests taken in Washington schools this spring improved as much as three percentage points from the previous year, according to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, which released the test results Tuesday. Read story

Vancouver Public Schools adds assistance for more families

August 15, 2016, 6:00am Clark County News

Vancouver Public Schools is adding Family-Community Resource Centers at Hough and Truman elementary schools for the 2016-17 school year. That will bring its total of resource centers to 14 elementary schools, two middle schools, two high schools and a mobile unit. Read story

Homeless families get ready to sleep at the Winter Hospitality Overflow shelter in December. Homeless students and their families in the Battle Ground, Evergreen and Vancouver school districts will receive help with finding and retaining safe, affordable housing thanks to a $500,000 state grant.

Schools get $500,000 state grant to aid homeless

Homeless families get ready to sleep at the Winter Hospitality Overflow shelter in December. Homeless students and their families in the Battle Ground, Evergreen and Vancouver school districts will receive help with finding and retaining safe, affordable housing thanks to a $500,000 state grant.

August 14, 2016, 6:00am Editor's Choice

Three school districts and one agency in Clark County will share a $500,000 state grant to help homeless students and their families find and retain safe, affordable housing. Read story

Evergreen Public Schools

Mediator to assist in contract talks for Evergreen schools

Evergreen Public Schools

August 10, 2016, 8:21pm Clark County News

With less than three weeks until school starts, teachers in Evergreen Public Schools have not ratified a contract for the upcoming school year. Contract negotiations have stalled. Read story

Rex, a Chesapeake Bay retriever, leaps into action during the DockDogs competition as his handler, Dee Morasco of Amboy, looks on Tuesday at the Clark County Fairgrounds.

Water-loving canines put on a show at DockDogsvideo icon

Rex, a Chesapeake Bay retriever, leaps into action during the DockDogs competition as his handler, Dee Morasco of Amboy, looks on Tuesday at the Clark County Fairgrounds.

August 9, 2016, 8:17pm Clark County Life

Like many competitors at the Clark County Fair, Toby’s excitement was palpable as he awaited his turn to jump in his first-ever competition Tuesday afternoon. Read story

Cecelia Fox-Middleton, 12, from left, joins camp director Cyndy Hagin and fellow camper Amelia Martin, 12, as they write code for their robot. The goal of the Girls Lead The Way summer robotics camp is to expose girls to technical careers.

Middle school girls build, program robots at camp

Cecelia Fox-Middleton, 12, from left, joins camp director Cyndy Hagin and fellow camper Amelia Martin, 12, as they write code for their robot. The goal of the Girls Lead The Way summer robotics camp is to expose girls to technical careers.

August 4, 2016, 8:45pm Clark County News

Kneeling on the classroom floor, Jenna Chinn taped a colored marker to the front of her robot, pushed a button, and sat back to observe. Read story

7 Evergreen schools providing free meals to kids 18 and younger

August 3, 2016, 8:54pm Clark County Health

Evergreen Public Schools is offering free summer meals for those 18 and younger at seven elementary schools. Breakfast and lunch will be served Monday through Friday. No enrollment is necessary. Read story