May 15, 2016, 6:05am Clark County News
Melanie Green recalls a day she’d taken blankets to a homeless family with young children living in a tent in a field near the Orchards Fred Meyer. The homeless shelters were full. The Winter Hospitality Overflow shelters weren’t open for the season yet. The family was out of options. Read story
May 13, 2016, 9:41pm Clark County News
The three largest school districts in Clark County — Evergreen, Vancouver and Battle Ground — weighed in on the Obama administration’s school restroom guidelines Friday. All three districts already have policies in place. The policies are set by each district’s school board, but must comply with a 2006 state law… Read story
May 10, 2016, 6:02am Clark County News
Bent over a drill press, Alexis Payne, 17, drilled holes in a box that will eventually hold a collection of essential oils such as lavender. Read story
May 8, 2016, 6:00am Clark County Life
It’s a typical early evening on the Griffith family farm. Brothers Silas, 17, and Samson, 15, shoot hoops in the driveway, while their sister, Mirlie, 18, watches. Standing nearby at a fence, Jennica, 12, deftly braids the mane of an Arabian horse. Their brother, Billy, 17, is still at track… Read story
May 6, 2016, 6:08am Editor's Choice
When Allegra Koupal crosses the stage to receive her college diploma Saturday, she will be completing an arduous journey that began with a single step in a Clark County Jail cell five years ago. That’s when she hit rock bottom. Read story
May 4, 2016, 7:58pm Clark County News
Joe Siler held a sterile 20-ounce plastic bottle under a water fountain in a hallway at Jason Lee Middle School before classes started Wednesday morning. Read story
April 30, 2016, 8:21pm Clark County News
Going back to their roots Read story
April 28, 2016, 6:03pm Business
Andrew King missed the school bus to Vancouver’s inaugural Digital Technology Expo on Thursday morning because he had to take a test. But the Fort Vancouver High School student was determined to make it to the expo’s education preview so he could meet potential employers and learn what education and… Read story
April 27, 2016, 12:00pm Clark County News
Vancouver Public Schools has announced several administrative staff changes for the 2016-17 school year. Personnel assignments are subject to approval by the school board. Read story
April 27, 2016, 10:53am Clark County News
McLoughlin Middle School was placed on a modified lockdown this morning after a man made suicidal threats to a student on their way to school, Vancouver Police Department Spokeswoman Kim Kapp said. Read story