Wednesday,  February 12 , 2025

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Photo of Terry Otto

Stories by Terry Otto

Columbian freelance outdoors writer

A six-man limit of fall chinook from the Columbia River rests on the dock before being checked by state fisheries creel checkers. Anglers may be looking at a selective fishery in the Buoy Ten reach again this year.

Columbia River fall salmon outlook remains good

A six-man limit of fall chinook from the Columbia River rests on the dock before being checked by state fisheries creel checkers. Anglers may be looking at a selective fishery in the Buoy Ten reach again this year.

January 20, 2024, 6:05am Editor's Choice

Oregon and Washington have released an initial fall salmon outlook for the Columbia River, and fishery managers say runs are looking to be similar to last year. Read story

Fishing guide Camaeron Black, left, and a client hold a keeper sturgeon that bit just as the boat was being checked by the state patrol last year. The fish was taken in the Bonneville Pool.

White sturgeon up for grabs in Bonneville pool beginning New Year’s Day

Fishing guide Camaeron Black, left, and a client hold a keeper sturgeon that bit just as the boat was being checked by the state patrol last year. The fish was taken in the Bonneville Pool.

December 30, 2023, 6:05am Editor's Choice

Anglers will have a rare chance to retain white sturgeon in the Bonneville Pool of the Columbia River again this year, with the fishery starting on Monday, Jan. 1. Read story

Smallish cackling Canada geese gather at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is within the Northwest Permit Zone for geese, which is managed very carefully so hunters do not accidently kill any dusky Canada geese, which are closed to harvest.

Recent rains boost waterfowl hunts in Southwest Washington

Smallish cackling Canada geese gather at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge is within the Northwest Permit Zone for geese, which is managed very carefully so hunters do not accidently kill any dusky Canada geese, which are closed to harvest.

December 23, 2023, 6:05am Clark County News

Waterfowl hunters across Southwest Washington have been having a fairly typical year at local refuges and wildlife areas, and with the recent heavy rains a lot of northern birds have moved down. Read story

Anglers gather at Klineline Pond to fish for trout. The lake was red-hot after the Black Friday stockings, but has since slowed. Upcoming stockings will revive the bite.

Large winter trout still waiting to be caught at local lakes

Anglers gather at Klineline Pond to fish for trout. The lake was red-hot after the Black Friday stockings, but has since slowed. Upcoming stockings will revive the bite.

December 2, 2023, 6:02am Outdoors

The winter trout season kicked off on Black Friday, with several local lakes stocked with larger than usual rainbow trout for the event. Read story

Dave Mallahan holds his personal best, a 22-pound Cowlitz late-run coho that topped 22 pounds. He took the fish in 2010. Cowlitz late run coho often reach into the upper teens.

Late-run coho salmon a good catch in Columbia River tributaries

Dave Mallahan holds his personal best, a 22-pound Cowlitz late-run coho that topped 22 pounds. He took the fish in 2010. Cowlitz late run coho often reach into the upper teens.

October 21, 2023, 5:55am Editor's Choice

Fall salmon fishing has been very good this year, and now that the mainstem Columbia is finally cooling off for Chinook, many anglers will be looking to the tributaries for late returning coho salmon. Read story

Diggers hit the beach during an evening tide. Using powerful lighting, clammers search for signs of razor clams, one of the tastiest clams on the west coast.

Clammers return to Washington beaches to dig their haul

Diggers hit the beach during an evening tide. Using powerful lighting, clammers search for signs of razor clams, one of the tastiest clams on the west coast.

October 14, 2023, 5:55am Editor's Choice

Washington clammers hit the beaches for the first digs of the new season recently, which ran from Sept. 29 through Oct. 2. Diggers found good success during the first open tides. Read story

A fall Chinook that fell for a spoon at the mouth of a Columbia River tributary. Anglers in the Vancouver area are getting fall salmon in the local hog lines.

Coho salmon fishing season on Columbia River should be a good one

A fall Chinook that fell for a spoon at the mouth of a Columbia River tributary. Anglers in the Vancouver area are getting fall salmon in the local hog lines.

September 9, 2023, 5:55am Latest News

Reports of excellent coho fishing out in the ocean has guides and anglers looking forward to when they will begin to move upriver in droves. Read story