Business name: Kumon Math and Reading Center of Vancouver-North, a franchise business.
Owner: Ann Warren.
Address: 9901 N.E. Seventh Ave., Suite B112.
What the business does: The Kumon learning method uses an individualized approach that helps children, preschool through high school, develop a solid command of math and reading skills. Ann Warren said through daily practice and mastery of materials, students increase confidence, improve concentration and develop better study skills. The after-school enrichment program has 26,000 centers in 46 countries.
How has the economy affected your business: Enrollment at the Vancouver-North location has grown 20 percent in the past year. Warren said parents of students at Kumon recognize that investing in their child’s education is essential to the child’s success and they are making that investment a priority.
Greatest challenge: Warren said her greatest challenge is informing parents of what the center does. Certain aspects of the Kumon program require a new way of thinking about education for many families. Given time, most of Kumon’s students end up studying topics above their grade level, even those who were lagging when they came to the program. Warren offers a lesson plan that makes the students comfortable but success is assured.
What’s ahead: Warren wants to expand the Jr. Kumon program, which is an academic program for preschoolers. Additionally she is ready to offer another class day to better serve her older students.