Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas., claims she’s not getting rid of Medicare, despite voting to gut it by making sure private insurance companies profit from it.
“I made pledges and commitments,” she said in the April 16 Columbian story “Herrera Beutler defends her vote: Medicare won’t exist in 10 years if it isn’t restructured, she said.”
Yes, I’m certain she did. Among her biggest contributors in the last election were Blue Cross-Blue Shield and the Republican Party’s Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee. It’s plainly evident that Herrera Beutler has an inherent conflict of interest when it comes to health insurance votes. And her taking of Republican Party money explains her lock-step, party-line votes.
It’s disastrous that the people of the 3rd District are, in effect, not represented at all by Herrera Beutler. For the good of the people of the 3rd District, I would like her to resign.