The July 11 story reported on “A new life for Larch: Corrections center escaped closure, but tumultuous 18 months have seen many changes.” The measurable outcome of sustainability at Larch may not be so readily apparent to the public, yet the majority of everything going on within the cloaked environment of this prison speaks volumes … that always making an extravagant and outward show builds a weak foundation.
Sustainability of everyday life at Larch is brought about administratively, by and through the professional leadership and supervisory skills of its maintenance staff, kitchen staff, family-oriented program staff, community work crew staff, and hobby shop donation program staff.
From this unlikely convict’s “inside” point of view, here is where the keeper stands tall, well above conventional standards. How? By raising the bar of accountability, not only through sustainability, but through providing meaningful opportunity (beyond the obvious or superficial) to the soon-to-be released prisoners who reside here as well … providing a stepping stone leading toward positive change within the community at large, by and through a healthier, cleaner environment and one forestalled criminal recidivist at a time.
Jerry R. Mullikin