If you had a valuable asset, would you throw it away? If you had something hundreds of thousands had died for, would you let it go? Some of you aren’t even aware of what a valuable asset you possess. It’s something some people have never had, and would give anything to hold.
What is this valuable asset? It’s your right to vote.
Each election, millions of Americans don’t even bother to vote. Do you have a relative who gave his life in the service of his country? He did it so you would have the freedom to vote. Are we becoming a nation that takes this freedom for granted, the way some do with their vote? If it continues, we could lose all our rights, along with our vote. If you have been keeping track, our rights are already under attack, some already gone.
On the first Tuesday in November, you have a chance to change the direction of the United States with your vote. This is an awesome responsibility, this thing we call voting. Vote, for the individual who represents your beliefs — not your neighbors’, political party’s, advertisements’ or newspaper’s — yours.
Dan Euliss