Coming out of their national convention, the Democrats now are running on the fictions that:
President Obama knows what he is doing.
We are better off today than we were four years ago.
The foundation for recovery has been laid.
Even though 96,000 jobs were created in August, we need 150,000 a month to stay even. By that measure, we are hundreds of thousands of jobs behind and getting steadily more behind. Our debt is growing, and the Congressional Budget Office says this will choke any economic revival.
The Democratic Party wants to spend more? Hello? Anybody home?
The changes needed to spark, much less sustain, economic recovery are not wrapped up in socializing medicine, nationalizing the auto industry and then continuing the very practices that made them weak enough to nationalize. Nor are they witnessed in failed energy policy and subsidizing food stocks for conversion to energy products.
The foundation laid by President Obama is not firm, and will not lead to economic recovery. Rather, this base is like a boggy swamp, a lack of economy that will further burden an already over burdened middle class, while Obama plays the absent leader.