I watched news clips of the Oct. 13 Tea Party rally in Washington, D.C. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Sarah Palin participated in this shameful spectacle. What I mean by shameful is one of their speakers said the president of the United States needs to be run out of town and that he worshiped Allah. That is a blatant lie; he has been going to Christian churches his whole life and continues to do so. One of their followers was waving a Confederate flag in front of the White House with “Impeach Obama” signs.
The Confederate flag represents outrageous racism in this country, a flag that represents the deaths of 600,000 people over the right to own other human beings as slaves. This group after the Civil War became “Dixiecrats,” ignoring lynchings and promoting segregation. They then evolved into joining the Republican Party after the Democrats passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Most Republicans do not subscribe to this despicable behavior.
Now they have evolved again — the Tea Party. This explains their raging hatred for our president. Hopefully we as a nation can some day evolve from this racist bigotry.
Lynn Brown