There is one simple lesson to be learned from the Michael Brown and Eric Garner killings. When a cop (insert authority figure: parent, teacher, coach, etc.) tells you to do something, do it. Don’t back talk, argue, or resist. If there is a beef, deal with it later.
The idea that police are racist (bullies) out to harm black (or white) men is only supported by far-left nut cases and race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson … it is not the facts.
And, our national leaders, like Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama, have only fanned the flames of racism (on both sides), which has further divided our country along those lines (not to mention economic and gender) by their paranoid (political) rhetoric … apparently forgetting they would not be in office except for a lot of “nonminority” voters. Where are the national liberal leaders who will stand up and tell their constituents to respect authority? Brown and Garner would be alive today if they did.
Dennis Rozario