Clark County Commissioner David Madore’s “ignorance” of the Affordable Care Act is not a surprise for some of us, as reported March 2: “Health care lesson for Madore.” In fact, one could assume it is willful ignorance. Clark County Public Health has been working on this strenuously for months (or over a year), but one cannot find the line item in the budget for the ACA, so these poor folks have had to carry this burden within their routine scope and budget.
Many, many organizations within the county have spent large amounts of time, both enrolling people and educating the public. The county library system has done a yeoman’s job at providing public educational sessions, and their website has extensive information, as does The Columbian’s.
Washington state has been extolled as one of the top 10 states in the Union for enrollments.
The fact that this is a major Democrat effort, and including the fact that the Clark County Democrats themselves have provided more than one educational session, may be the reason that Madore is not especially interested in its success.