Wake up and smell the greed, Vancouver. Big oil is playing you for a fool. Forty-four percent of our nation’s refining capacity is on the Gulf Coast. Eighty percent is east of the Rockies. Why would they need to send Bakken crude down the Columbia River to refineries? If the West Coast refineries really are its destination, why would you need to load the oil on ships when the trains run straight to the refineries now?
The answer is, of course, its going to be sold overseas. Big Oil has been lobbying (buying) Congress for permission to do just that. In five years, when they have operable terminals, they will have the votes in Congress to ship it all away.
They have now started a well- funded propaganda campaign to convince fools that sending oil overseas will actually lower their price at the pump. The truth is, they will be able to sell their oil at a much higher price on the international market. This will actually raise our national price at the pump.
Outraged yet? You’re welcome.
Dean Wessler