It’s that time of year when everyone wants to jump on the “best books of the year” bandwagon (or bookmobile, as I like to say). From the New York Times Book Review to the neighborhood book club, opinions about the shining stars of the literary world are flooding both print and online resources. If you read my column last week (“Take note: Book of lists should be at top of yours”), you’re already familiar with my fondness for making lists; so, what the heck, I decided to add my two cents’ worth to the bibliographic besties barrage.
But because I’m a bit of a rebel (not so much outwardly as inwardly, in case anyone who really knows me just raised an eyebrow at “rebel”), I’m going to swim against the torrent of “bests” and offer a small sample from my ever-growing list of “books I really want to read if I can ever stop cleaning, eating, working, and doing everything that gets in my way of reading.”
I have to confess that sharing this list with people I don’t even know feels a bit risky, like I’m revealing a part of my soul. What if you scoff, or worse, grimace at my choices? But then the moment of alarm passes, and I’m good. Turns out I’m not only slightly rebellious, I’m moderately neurotic.
All of the titles, by the way, are available at the library. May the New Year be filled with joy, rain-free days, and many, many, many happy reads.