Any day now, a plan to close Guantanamo Bay will be presented to Congress. Guantanamo Bay is a black eye on the global perception of the United States and the reach it allows the military.
Relations have greatly improved with Cuba over the last few weeks, and they feel the U.S. is occupying their land illegally. They want it back and we should give it to them.
The prison at Guantanamo Bay is a waste of resources and it seems the money used to operate it could be put to better use. The biggest hurdle will be where to put the detainees, as Congress doesn’t want them in the U.S. and less than half of them have been cleared to leave the facility. The U.S. has an obligation to treat these prisoners just as they would treat a prisoner stateside. If they pose a risk to U.S. security, they should not be transported to the U.S., but if any of the previous reports hold any merit, there were dozens of innocent men who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Who gets to decide who stays and who goes? What if their country doesn’t want them back? These are questions that can be answered later, but it is time for the prison to close.