A Nov. 13 story reported “Residents mixed on proposed smoking ban in public housing.” If my family members were living in one of the Vancouver Housing Authority’s apartments, they’d be taking the case to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for housing discrimination against the poor. This is another example of the 1 percent controlling the 99 percent. They can’t control their own lives, so they rule against the poor, who they feel they can control.
VHA and the federal government, two “Big Brothers,” are taking away the poor’s civil liberties. Will the VHA and the federal government be putting up a sign that says, “Live in our housing, so we can take away your freedom of speech? We will also let ourselves into your home, so we can go through your stuff to see if you are smoking when no one’s around.” The poor cannot say anything, because if they did try to file a complaint, the VHA, the feds or whomever would give them their walking papers, and then the poor wouldn’t have anywhere to live. It’s called “if you complain, you can go live with the tent folks,” or otherwise known as retaliation, which is probably why no one has complained.
I think we need to ask the American Civil Liberties Union to step in and help the poor. Maybe the ACLU can get our two Big Brothers to stop the persecution.