Being born and raised in this country called America, U.S. of A., is a matter of luck. Being grateful and proud of this country and what it represents, and honoring the people who have protected it, is a privilege. I am proud to share with all Americans and I am happy to be a great American.
I am not fond of President Obama. I think he has been an awful president (Bill Clinton and Obama are the worst ever). Obama’s inexperience and arrogance have been very costly to our country. He has weakened our military, alienated our allies, and emboldened our enemies. He’s abused his power by taking executive action that he had no right to take. The next president is going to have to reverse and repeal many (maybe all) of the actions he has taken.
Well, you Democrats, how’s that Obama thing working out for ya so far?
I am glad I live in America, U.S. of A., and no where else. “Give me liberty, or give me death.”