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Go Ready Festival: Fresh haircuts signal readiness

Vancouver Public Schools event helps students prepare for classes, pick up backpacks, clothing, more

By Susan Parrish, Columbian Education Reporter
Published: August 19, 2016, 8:23pm
2 Photos
Lisa Houser, left, owner of Utopia Salon, cuts the hair of Arieanna Howard, 11, at the Go Ready back-to-school event Friday at Hudson's Bay High School. Arieanna will be in 6th grade at Discovery Middle School.
Lisa Houser, left, owner of Utopia Salon, cuts the hair of Arieanna Howard, 11, at the Go Ready back-to-school event Friday at Hudson's Bay High School. Arieanna will be in 6th grade at Discovery Middle School. (Amanda Cowan/The Columbian) Photo Gallery

Jose Pulido, 8, sat without fidgeting in the barber’s chair as Brett Allred from Beigeblond Salon cut his hair.

“He’s gonna cut the sides and leave the top long,” Jose explained.

“It’s going to be cool!” Allred added as his scissors snipped.

Jose was one of 146 Vancouver Public Schools students who received free haircuts at the third annual Go Ready back-to-school event at Hudson’s Bay High School on Friday morning.

Families with kids of all ages lined up early on a hot morning for an opportunity for not only free haircuts, but immunizations, vision and hearing screening, clothing, backpacks and more.

During the first 15 minutes after the doors opened, 670 people flocked into the school. By the end of the day, 1,266 people had attended the event, according to Alishia Topper, one of the event organizers.

The school district’s Family-Community Resource Centers organized the event with a little help from their friends. Dozens of community organizations offered services and resources. Even more volunteers pitched in to help.

Denise Bacon held her daughter Deanna Crawford, 1, while her other daughter, Destini Bacon, 12, looked for a cool backpack. Next they were headed for free immunizations offered by the Free Clinic of Southwest Washington.

Inside the clinic’s van in the school parking lot, Matthew Murphy, 5, was apprehensive about the two shots he was about to receive in preparation for starting kindergarten. After the first shot, he started howling. But he survived the ordeal and was offered a choice of a cuddly stuffed animal. He clutched a white bunny to his chest and sort of smiled.

In the school’s courtyard, Mark Matthias of Beaches grilled hot dogs — about 1,400 of them.

“This is a great program for people who just need a little help,” Matthias said. “Everybody here is a volunteer, providing everything from haircuts to hot dogs.”

A new addition this year featured about 2,000 books purchased for $1 each at the Fort Vancouver Regional Library’s book sale with donations. Each child could choose eight books.

Andrea Ventura and her children Sophia Ventura, 3, Edgar Ventura, 5 and Janelle Ventura, 7, browsed through books stacked on a table. Each kid added books to a growing stack in Sophia’s stroller. Grinning, Edgar added “The Best Book of Pirates.”

“We are into reading,” Andrea Ventura said. “I’m excited about the books too. It’s an opportunity to add to our library at home.”

The Ventura family had come to the event for books, haircuts, backpacks and winter coats.

Back in the hair salon space, Arieanna Howard, 11, sat in a barber’s chair while Lisa Houser, owner of Utopia Salon and Dayspa, worked her magic on Arieanna’s thick hair.

A few minutes later, Houser removed the hairdresser cape from the girl’s shoulders and announced: “You’re ready to rock and roll! Looking fierce. You’re free!”

Sporting a new do, Arieanna climbed down from the chair and headed off in search of a new backpack for school.

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“It’s so important for the kids,” said Houser. “It’s fun to see them so excited. Sometimes, it’s the only haircut they get all year. It’s awesome to do this for kids.”

Back-to-school help available in seven other local districts

North County:

Battle Ground, Green Mountain, Hockinson and Woodland school districts

Who: Students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunches and who attend either Battle Ground, Green Mountain, Hockinson or Woodland school districts. Pre-registration was required by Aug. 4.

What: Students can select school supplies and gently used clothing; free immunizations for those who pre-registered.

When: 4 to 5:30 p.m. Aug. 26; those who pre-registered can pick up supplies; from 5:30 to 6 p.m. students who didn’t pre-register for the event can pick up supplies while they last.

Where: Battle Ground High School cafeteria, 200 W. Main St., Battle Ground.

Contact: North County Community Food Bank at 360-687-5007 or Battle Ground Adventist Community Services
at 360-687-3459.


Wy’east Middle School

Who: Current Wy’east students and their families.

What: Free school supplies, food and games at Wy’east Community Back To School Barbecue

When: 4 to 7 p.m. Aug. 25.

Where: Wy’East Middle School, 1112 S.E. 136th Ave., Vancouver.

Contact: at Wy’east, at Cascade Park Baptist Church or with Wy’east Parent Network.

La Center

Who: La Center district students and their families who need extra support, but were unable to attend Aug. 13 Jumpstart Backpack Day or missed the registration deadline.

What: Pick up backpacks, supplies and learn about Lewis River Mobile Food Bank, how to sign up for weekend food packs, a free early childhood education class and more.

When: 11 am to 3 p.m. Aug. 29.

Where: Family & Community Resource Center at La Center K-8 campus, 700 E. Fourth St., La Center.

Contact: The resource center at 360-263-2134 ext. 231.


Who: Ridgefield School District students who are uninsured or underinsured.

What: Free dental care, medical care (including eye exams and glasses, chiropractic, physical therapy, massage), social services and information fair, free family photographs, free clothing and haircuts, free lunch and children’s activities. Provided by five local churches.

When: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 27.

Where: View Ridge Middle School, 510 Pioneer St., Ridgefield.

Contact: Kari Goode at 360-904-3876


Columbian Education Reporter