You certainly would not have thought Monday, here in Clark County, that at the coast it was stormy, with 30-40 mph winds ushering the rain in at a horizontal angle. With the sun peeking between clouds locally, it wasn’t too bad of a day, especially with afternoon temperatures hovering around 60 degrees.
The heavy rains that fell over western Washington over the weekend shifted northward, mostly along the entire Washington Coast and northwest interior. That system was forecast to slip southward and bring Clark County more rain today. Like I mentioned here the other day, we’re seeing a yo-yo effect with the clouds and rain. Back and forth, north and south.
Vancouver really didn’t get the brunt of the rains that fell along the coast and Puget Sound and Cascades on the weekend. We did pick up about a half-inch or so. However, as of Monday afternoon, we were still more than three-quarters of an inch below average so far this month. The mean temperature is also running well above average — nearly five degrees. A warm and dry month as far as weather statistics are concerned.
I’m sure that this week will indeed put more rain in the bucket, with lots of moisture off the coast looming in the wings. Freezing levels have been high, so there will be rain in most ski areas. That looks to change later in the week as snow levels plummet to below the passes once again.