Ah, the Clintons’ crooked saga goes on. First, Bill Clinton with the famous stain on Monica Lewinski’s dress and, of course, the cigars. He lied to a federal grand jury, was impeached by the House and it was swept under the rug by the Senate. Now, we have Hillary Clinton — a proven liar about her emails exposed by the FBI. Failures as a senator, secretary of state and as a person, Hillary is more shallow then a dry creek bed.
I do not understand Democrats. They chastise everyone who makes more money than they do, while amassing a lot of money for their own benefit. Ah yes, the only reason for their so-called help, to the so-called middle class and marshmallow immigration requirements, is to make those people dependent, and hence, get their votes.
OK, vote for Hillary, the clone of Obama. Fortunately, conservatives still have control of Congress.