Leonard Pitts wrote in his April 25 column “Flint water scandal highlights how poorly poor treated.” I am going to say it — Pitts is the racist. He’s calling all white people racist by starting his story out as “Dear white people.” Yes, I am one of those white people, and yes, I am from Michigan. Pitts’ explanation of the water crisis just doesn’t cut it with me because he is failing to tell the real story with the real facts. Here are a few of the facts that I feel Pitts failed to state in his opinion.
1. The governor’s office had nothing to do with the Flint water system, this includes the citizens of Michigan.
2. The federal government should not have gotten involved; it’s not their job and none of their business.
3. Flint, Mich., was a large city in its prime. It was a rich city and had lots of tax dollars rolling in. Almost everyone in Flint worked for the Ford Motor Company. Nobody in the city worried about its decaying water system. Flint’s city government was run by elected officials, many whom were black and had been in office for decades. Well, whose job was it?