Vancouver’s city government has received high credit ratings from Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s for the second consecutive year.
Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings assigned its AA+ rating to the city’s 2016 Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, the city said in a news release. It also affirmed its AA+ rating on the city’s outstanding General Obligation bonds, as well as an AA+ long-term rating on the Vancouver Downtown Redevelopment Authority bonds.
Standard & Poor’s report rated the city as “strong” for budgetary performance and “very strong” in the areas of management, budgetary flexibility, liquidity and debt/contingent liability profile. Moody’s Investors Service assigned an Aa3 rating to the Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, affirmed its Aa3 rating on the city’s outstanding parity limited general obligation bonds, as well as affirming an Aa3 rating on the Vancouver Downtown Redevelopment Authority’s bonds.