As a homeowner, living on a self-employment income, I’ll vote “yes” on the Battle Ground school bond.
I support the increase wholeheartedly; those who don’t should go see the Glenwood/Laurin and Pleasant Valley campuses. View the Glenwood facility, built in 1952. Observe the 26-plus students crammed into the classrooms. See the P.E. class in the rainy gym. I support throwing money at “education” so that the children can continue singing the “Star-Spangled Banner” at the veterans assembly. Come in the morning so that you may cross your heart and say the Pledge of Allegiance.
The FIT committee has created a Bond/Levy long-range plan. I can expect consistency of my tax rate to the schools.
Supporting the youngest of our community is a smart decision. I’m not pushing the children for money, I’m pushing to fund facilities where the children will learn the nobility of the history of our community.