Do you ever wonder if Donald Trump wakes up in the morning, looks in the mirror and slaps his forehead? “Holy crap, I’m going to be president of the United States,” he says to his reflection.
With it looking more and more like Republican budget hawks are going to block anything he wants to do that costs money, widespread outrage over his appointing a blatant racist as his lead policy adviser, and his catching heat for backing off on his campaign promises, I’m betting he’s having second thoughts.
My take on it is that he really didn’t expect to win, didn’t really want to become president in the first place and was just feeding his already-yewwwwwge ego. The next time he’s feeling insecure, where does he go from here? He’s now, arguably, the most powerful man on the planet. How can you follow that act? The only thing possible is getting himself appointed supreme omniscient ruler of the universe.