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Press Talk: I say, give it up for your favorite

By Lou Brancaccio, Columbian Editor
Published: September 17, 2016, 6:10am
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Look, it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had stuff hurled at me. But usually, it’s stuff I wouldn’t want the grandkids to hear.

If I had grandkids. Which I don’t. But I digress.

Nope, this hurling has to do with a hard ball, cold water and a good cause. It’s (dramatic pause required here) Dunktankorama!

I’m pretty sure that’s not a word, but you get the idea. 

Yep, I’ve agreed to get into a dunk tank for Give More 24!

The Community Foundation for Southwest Washington oversees this event and — you guessed it — all 24 hours in the upcoming Thursday is your opportunity to give to a cause that’s important to you. It’s set up so that you can go online and make a donation on Thursday. In a very real way, it’s trying to bring the community together during this 24-hour period.

I’m told more than 100 nonprofits will benefit from the donations that come in on Thursday. For more details, you can go to


So how did a dunk tank get involved in an online donation effort?

Well, despite the modern marvels of social media, which allow all of us to never move off the couch for our entire existence, you still need to have a little real-life flash and flair. For example, there’s also a swing event going on. A bunch of community types and politicians will park their backsides into a swing which — it is hoped — will get the money flowing.

Think of it this way: If you look at a politician from the side, they will be swinging wildly from left to right. And if that ain’t worth 10 bucks, I don’t know what is.

The dunk tank is yet another opportunity to watch stranger things happening.

I’ll admit I’m not big on the dunk tank concept. In fact, when I was asked to do this, I said what I always say in situations like this.

Stay informed on what is happening in Clark County, WA and beyond for only

“Ah, I think I have a scheduling conflict.”

But then I got my mind right, in part, because of who was doing the asking. 

• • • 

Russell Brent’s name is trending nicely in our community. He’s the owner of the Mill Creek Pub in Battle Ground. If you haven’t been there, it’s really worth the trip. Neat place with good food. And I love the atmosphere.

The trending nicely part, though, has more to do with Russell’s increasing involvement in what’s going on around here. 

A few weeks ago, for example, Mill Creek Pub hosted an event to raise money for the Piano Hospital (aka the School of Piano Technology for the Blind). Folks were singing and playing the piano hoping for tips. When it was over, about $2,000 was raised. And Russell matched it.

Others stepped up big time, as well, but Russell was — once again — in the middle of it all.

• • • 

The dunk tank is a continuation of his commitment to help out. There will be computers on hand, so if you want to take a crack at knocking me down, you can donate on the spot.

The dunk tank actually opens for business at 11:30 a.m. Thursday at Mill Creek Pub, so if you have an interest in knocking someone else in the water, come early. Vancouver Police Lt. Scott Creager is up at noon, and community conquistador Gary Bock will take the plunge at 4:30 p.m.

Again, I’ll be there at 5:30 p.m., and — don’t tell anyone else this — if you dunk me more times than anyone else, you’re getting your very own Don’t Do Stupid Stuff mug. Hey, I’ll even sign it, which pretty much makes it priceless.

I’m kidding! At least about the priceless stuff. 

Columbian Editor