I have noticed geraniums and marigolds in the garden stores. Is it okay to plant those now? What about tomatoes?
Geraniums, marigolds and tomatoes are very sensitive to frost. We could get frost for two or three more weeks, especially in the higher elevations. Geraniums, marigolds and tomatoes are all warm weather plants, which means they will not make much growth until the weather warms into the high 60s. In fact they often become stunted if planted too early. You would be much better to wait until May to plant these warm weather plants.
Although it is too early to plant frost tender flowers and vegetables, there are many plants (including flowers and vegetables) which can take temperatures well below freezing without damage. All permanent plants such as lawns, trees, shrubs, berries, vines, ground covers and perennial flowers can be planted now.
Hardy vegetables which can be planted now include root crops such as carrot, onion, beet, turnip, radish, and potatoes. Leaf crops including spinach, lettuce and cabbage, and flower bud vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower are also frost hardy down to the mid-twenties. The only hardy fruiting vegetables are peas and fava beans. Perennial vegetables such as asparagus and rhubarb are best planted early.