The ban on travel from Muslim-majority countries to the U.S. is ugly, wrong, probably unconstitutional, and ham-handed. It will do nothing but punish Muslims for their faith, and give encouragement to terrorists.
I know that some people will write condemning the protesters who have gathered in massive numbers at the country’s airports for causing disruption and inconvenience. Some will wrongly use the word “riot.” But I celebrate the patriotism of those protesters who rushed to defend our Constitution and protect the innocent. What is a bit of inconvenience at the airport compared to our abandonment of people who have lost everything and undergone almost two years of scrutiny to come here? The stories break my heart.
President Trump is completely ignorant of history or governance and will never admit he is wrong. His inner circle includes racist white supremacists. He is a dangerous menace to our country. Resist his cruel and erratic impulses.