Watching the inaugural festivities I was proud to be an American. Not because President Obama is out and President Trump is in but because of the display of mutual respect and age-old traditions that have been going on since the start of this great nation.
I haven’t always agreed with Obama but I think he’s a good man and showed grace in the worst of times. I would like to ask Trump to please stay safe, and tone it down a bit. I love my country and have sons who gladly served it and put their lives on the line for it, stateside and abroad. We have a family member who lost his life in Iraq.
Those who believe Trump’s presidency is not legal must have gone to a different law school than the scholars who verified his election in the Electorial College. But more important, all should respect our system that has sustained a peaceful transition our forefathers had the wisdom to put into place.
It is time to stop inflammatory posts and whining. If you supported Hillary Clinton, honor her by following her example when she attended the inauguration. Shame on those members of Congress who did not, and those who demonstrated.