The longer this new administration is in power, the more it looks like there is an effort to remake America into a nationalist superpower. The chaos over the national health policy (Affordable Care Act, Medicaid expansion, etc.) is a reaction to what is perceived to be unaffordable, but what may also be happening is striking a deal with Russia to forever make nuclear war an impossibility. If nuclear war were to happen, it would be mutually assured destruction. But because Russia has beaten us in the arms race, it could happen accidentally, a reaction to bad information.
All people of good will, the political/religious right and left, need to stop all bigotry and start working together, calling for greater disarmament.
There is reason to have a new harmonious relation between opposing groups. In a nuclear armed world, an arms race of any kind has made war obsolete. I will continue to pray that the new president knows that there is no military solution in the most dangerous of times.