I almost hit your small child on his way to the school bus the other morning. He thought he was a big boy and decided to create his own path other than what Mom and Dad had taught him. Because of my watchful eye and the fact that I was going the speed limit, I saw the bottom half of his 7-year-old legs walking alongside a parked motor home.
What if I had been late to work? What if I hadn’t been paying attention? I slowed to 10 mph, then 5, then stopped as he ventured into the street, not looking until he was halfway across.
Please head off on your day knowing your child has been delivered safely where he/she needs to be. Think twice before you let the little ones make decisions that could impact their life. If you walk your child to a bus stop, stay until the bus arrives. This situation had a happy ending and a simple consequence in that this sweet boy no longer walks alone. We must do what it takes to keep our children safe; they are our tomorrow!