Representing the United States and its values, our members of the World Health Assembly failed to support action to support breastfeeding in the best interests of infants worldwide. This failure to act with concern and integrity benefits only the financial interests of billions of dollars for formula-producing corporations.
The Trump administration is unable to return approximately 100 children under the age of 5, who were taken, and reunite them to them with their parents under a court order. They are in court today trying to explain their failure and continuing the trauma of these small children.
Thailand, in contrast, as a country and with the help of other countries, has successfully taken incredible action to protect and rescue a dozen children in a cave from death. Their children are a national priory.
I would ask what the priorities of the Trump administration are, but the answer is clear — a failure to protect and care for precious children in the United States and throughout the world. And where is our congresswoman? She is a continuing no-show.