I agree with and endorse Steve Tubbs’ comments regarding paving the old Evergreen Highway (“Adieu, old Evergreen,” June 8, Our Readers’ Views). I was raised in a home along Southeast Evergreen Highway. I have fond memories of riding my bicycle up/down the highway and noting the dates on some of the concrete slabs. Living near the highway now, I still enjoy the dates on the slabs. I’m saddened they will be hidden by new pavement.
Then, there is safety. Most of the highway is posted as a 35 mph speed zone, often disregarded.
The highway is entirely residential. Why is a two-lane road without sidewalks posted with a speed limit of 35 mph, when most residential streets in Vancouver with sidewalks are posted at 25 mph?
Sidewalks are in city plans; however, funding is not in place. Yet funding is in place to repave?