If there ever has been any question about the true mission of the National Rifle Association, doubts be gone. What we have seen for months now is a siege mentality at the NRA, with nothing but lies and half-truths coming out of them.
The NRA no longer is a member organization. It exists for one purpose: to promote the sale of any and all guns. It is the political and marketing arm of the weapons industry, which has no conscience, just an unquenchable thirst for more money.
We are not seeking a gun roundup. But we do want to live in a country where we don’t kiss our children as they leave for school and cross our fingers. The only action the NRA can contemplate is to put even more guns on our streets and, as unfathomable as it is, into our classrooms. Do the leaders of the NRA not have children?
It is time for real leadership in Washington, D.C. We can help by booting Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Battle Ground, out of office for protecting the gun industry, not her constituents.