American author H.L. Mencken nicknamed his fellow countrymen species “Boobus Americanus.” I second that when comparing our country with the rest of the “civilized” nations.
Actually, civilized nations have supported, with taxes, free humane health care and education and progressive public transportation. They have a form of government that tends to meet the needs of its constituents, finds no need to defend the rest of the world from Communism and self-inflicted terrorism, doesn’t support a welfare system (there is a difference between socialism and humanism), and tends to have people in government who actually have a brain and have not been on the public dole most of their lives.
They don’t believe that a wealthy minority with tax shelters should not pay a fair share of taxes and peddle their influence to the extent of controlling government political and financial policy. Most progressive countries believe in a consumption tax, especially toward the rabid consuming super-rich and frivolous moneyed population with a concept that follows the proceeds toward fiscal responsibility and credibility.
Folks, our government, along with our military, is a bloated monster. Until we prioritize education, health care, effective modern transportation and affordable housing, we will remain a country that is heading toward Third World dysphoria.