The neighborhood in which I live was annexed by the city of Vancouver two years ago. Nothing has changed, except that our utilities have increased in cost by 6 or 7 percent, and our property taxes have increased. The meetings we had with city officials told us that there would be little or no change when we are annexed. Now the county wants to increase our property taxes again and the city also wants to increase our property tax and raise the taxes on utilities. Now the sewage control is raising the rate to a level about 9 percent more than a couple of years ago. I wish my income would increase that amount.
There are thousands of new residents, dozens of new businesses, hundreds of new houses, a multitude of new apartments and senior living facilities in Clark County. Presumably they are all paying taxes of all sorts. Where is all of this new revenue going? Instead of tax increases, there should be a tax cut. But a tax cut is not in the vernacular of our blue state politicos. Maybe a budget and spending review is in order? All of us citizens have to do this on a regular basis. If it is too expensive and you can’t afford it, don’t buy it.