Yes, Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been “supremed.” The conservative darling drunk, the man with the hands, the boys-will-be-boys poster boy, has been supremed.
Progressive Democrats attempted to try Kavanaugh based on their concept of law, which begins with assumption of guilt, leaving the accused to establish and prove innocence. This effort failed and liberals resorted to a “job interview” selection process.
In his Oct. 6 opinion column, “No way on BK, but …,” Lou Brancaccio indicated that Kavanaugh’s employment resume should include binge drinking, inappropriate writings in his yearbook, other alleged sexual assaults and an angry demeanor during Senate hearings. Evidently the resume should not include 12 years’ experience on the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals or other governmental service.
It is pointless to debate progressive Democrats. My advice: don’t do stupid stuff.