I’m a ‘Nam vet. We were fighting the commies over there instead of here. All GIs take the same oath to the people and the Constitution, and most of us keep that oath.
If Colin Kaepernick wants to take a knee during the anthem, he has my full support. Freedom of speech, baby. If you really want to go after someone who is disrespecting our flag, there are few flags that slap the face of ours quite like the Confederate flag.
Kaepernick is pointing out injustices like Tamir Rice. Watch the video of Tamir being shot and know that when the officers filed their report, not knowing there was a video, they lied. Compare that to the more than 45,000 Americans who butchered and maimed each other at Gettysburg, all in just three days. The comparison is inane. It should be obvious by now which of the two deserve our indignation, and it should also be obvious by now their right to wave that other flag. Speech doesn’t have to be pretty, just universal. GI till I die.