The view from the property that will be home to 281 homes. Hayward Uskoski
A developer is seeking Washougal’s approval for a 281-lot housing development that would be built on a 100-acre lot on Washougal’s north side.
The project, called “Northside PUD,” would range “from high, to middle, to affordable housing stock,” according to documents filed with the city by the applicant, David Lampe of Vancouver. Construction could start by the middle of next year and be conducted in six phases, according to a building document filed with the city.
“The project is designed to protect and maximize views of the Columbia River to the south and the hills of Washougal to the north,” the document says.
Also, the project would provide about 33.5 acres of open space and parks and more than two miles of public trails while providing public viewpoints connected to the trail system.
The project is “definitely one of the larger ones we’ve had” recently, said Washougal city planner Jessica Herceg. “This will be the first over the 200 (house) mark in quite a few years.”
The land was annexed from Clark County into Washougal in November 2015. It was rezoned to its current zoning in February 2017. Now, a house, a barn and several smaller outbuildings sit on the property, which after project completion would be home to about 675 people, a building application says. The project is within the Camas School District.
Lot sizes will range from 15,000 square feet at the top of the hill on the south side of the project to 3,500 square feet at the bottom of the hill on the north side, said Trevor Hayward, principal planner and co-owner of the Vancouver civil engineering firm Hayward Uskoski. Home prices will likely range from at least $300,000 to more than $1 million, Hayward said in an email. The finished value of the project is expected to exceed $150 million, he said.
The property owner is Ray’s Acres, LLC. The developer is NorthSide 4, LLC, led by developers Jeff Wriston, Lonnie Moss and David Lampe.
A public hearing on the proposal has been set for 1 p.m. Nov. 27 before the Washougal Hearings Examiner in the City Council Chambers at Washougal City Hall. Written comments submitted to by 5 p.m. Oct. 8 will be considered in the staff report.
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