If you live in Brush Prairie, you need to know this. There’s a move under foot to convert a large chunk of farmland into an industrial area. Up until now, the state’s Growth Management Act has protected farmland despite various attempts to rezone this farmland.
The latest attempt to rezone land north of Northeast 119th Street around state Highway 503 is the Legislature’s special amendment to the Growth Management Act that allows the establishment of a “freight rail dependent development zone” adjacent to the tracks. This amendment only applies to two counties.
Clark County has decided that the word “adjacent” means a mile on either side of the tracks. The county has drawn up a detailed list of permitted uses that include an asphalt plant (very likely) and a nuclear power plant (not likely).
If you’d like to maintain your way of life, your property values, your clean air and views, contact the Clark County councilors on the county website. There’s a handy box to comment and check which councilors you want to receive your comment. Full details of this proposal are also on the county website, including maps, permitted uses and other details. The council has a work session to decide on this on Wednesday, so time is of the essence.