Fairway Village was denied the sound wall on state Highway 14 because WSDOT skewed the data it entered into its Noise Model Program. WSDOT entered six to eight feet for the height of its perimeter wall when it is often less than five feet. WSDOT chose to use a calibration point in Fairway Village that violated applicable federal regulations when it measured merge lanes (which is prohibited).
WSDOT’s noise model claims that even without a wall Fairway Village would be less noisy in 2035 while adjacent neighborhoods would be noisier. WSDOT never identified or evaluated impact on the Fairway Village golf course even though portions are within the study area. What is WSDOT hiding when it refuses to release the addresses and unit numbers of the comparison points in its model? Why are there only three valid calibration points on the north side of Highway 14 compared to nine on the south side?