Amidst the chaos of the government shutdown, members from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association have teamed with local volunteers to clean up our national parks and monuments. As Muslims, we are commanded by our faith to “vie, then, with one another in good works” by serving our fellow man (2:149). The Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, taught that “one who is not grateful to mankind is not grateful to Allah” (Kitab Al-Adab).
It is with these teachings that our Khalifa, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, has instructed Ahmadi Muslims to serve mankind by taking care of the degrading environment through tree planting campaigns, highway adoption programs, and most recently, cleaning our national parks while government staff members are not able to. It is the obligation of each Ahmadi, in the words of the Khalifa, to “dry the tears” of our community during such times of crisis.
Recent efforts are only part of our long-standing community service commitment.
Service, in our view, is required constantly to address whatever the need of our community at the time. If you want to help us with our cleanup effort, please reach out to us at