What can we do for salmon misled by mismanagement? Good management adapts; ours hasn’t, and instead has grown to be immensely rigid.
Our salmon policies have been killers for decades. Our fish runs are in the toilet from entrenched misguidance. Fish stocks swim in troubled waters then die prematurely; the accepted greedy tradition of harvesting like pirates. We rebuild habitat but avoid enhancing it, then net below. Hatcheries must let nature choose the living. We must utilize selective hatchery fish for spawning. Hatcheries are now a death mill to viable fish, killing our future. Hatchery fish spawning have sustaining vigorous growth and give management a praised gem, but not here. Predictions were so far off they deserve blaring carnival music!
Recovery? When? No chance. Hatchery returns have wasted as rivers turned deserted. Businesses and communities are losing money. Sport fishing has once again been flipped-off by fish management.