Is anyone else curious how the remaining Trump supporters, including our Republican Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Battle Ground, explain to their children and family members how they support a sexual pervert who brags of grabbing at women’s genitals, a man who has allegedly cheated on all three of his wives, someone who has been fined or penalized millions of dollars for cheating American workers out of their hard-earned money, who found a doctor to help him avoid the draft while other brave American men and women did their duty, who is considered a laughingstock and buffoon by most of the world, who bullies others (including children — let me repeat, children) who earn the respect and admiration he so desperately craves, and someone who believes lying is not only OK, but that to lie is a way to achieve success?
How do they explain this away? What sort of moral compass do they have? I can’t understand it.