It seems to me that President Don has fired the umpires and, as pitcher, is calling balls, strikes, hits, errors, and outs (no runs, of course). He has fired or demoted any inspector general who does not parade with him in lockstep and continues to resist Congress’ access to oversight of him and his staff. Anyone disagreeing with him is “nasty” and he continues to act like the innocent victim. If he thinks he and his administration are being treated unfairly by the opposition party and the free press, he should compare notes with “W” and Slick Willie. Obama may have some examples of “nasty” treatment too. He’s an adult and, as well as taking credit for his accomplishments, he should take responsibility for his errors. Of course as long as he’s pitching without umpires, we know there will be no hits, runs or errors. A perfect game!
It’d be nice to see a real baseball game before November.
We’ll see.