My ballot is my pledge to my country that I stand in awe of the fearsome power wielded by 330 million people of all races, religions, political leanings and genderless aspirations, that I will not betray that power for personal gain, for petty recriminations and for overt assaults on others, less fortunate and less well-endowed, and less able to defend their rightful place in this mighty nation.
My ballot is the most precious gift given to me and all who surround me, a gift that I return with my choices to carry forward to make this place the shrine of freedom and hope not just within my borders, but promise to peacefully extend my protection and the fearsome protection implied in my ballot to all people who move in the directions charted by our Constitution and the history it has spawned.
My ballot and I stand united with you and all of yours, whether in perfect agreement or just in tenuous harmony, like-minded in the face of tyranny, whether internal or from abroad, the face of oppression, untruths and evil intent.
My ballot is my pledge for all of that, and I wield it wisely for all of us.