Ask Mark Muenster (“Ban two-cycle leaf blowers,” Our Readers’ Views, March 28) if a BR 600 Stihl is OK to use.
When you are surrounded by maple trees, the fall becomes a time when you need a strong blower and a good back. The Stihls are an oil-and-gas mix, but they are also four-cycle. Of course the neighbors with the trees don’t care where their leaves go, they know someone with a blower will do the job of collecting them and, of course, recycling them. The Echo, Husqvarna and Ryobi are still two-cycle and cheaper. And of course many folks can’t afford new battery-powered machines that take two extra batteries to finish blowing off a 500-square-foot driveway, because it’s their job and they have 20 lawns and driveways to do in a day. Just a thought, but they are basically a necessary evil in the Northwest.