On Aug. 11 , The Columbian printed an Associated Press article about how Black drivers were disproportionately pulled over by Portland police. Hispanics were also mentioned in the article. The glaring omission is the Asian community.
Asian people make up over 8 percent of the population in Portland. The question is why Asians, who make up a strong percentage of the people of color in our community, are almost always excluded in statistical comparisons that include Blacks and Hispanics. Is it pure racism by the writer of the article? Or does the writer have an agenda that they wish to promote, and the statistics on Asians do not follow the pattern of other minority groups?
In articles on statistics on school discipline that detail minority groups, I never see the Asian community mentioned. Why is that? I think that the exclusion of Asians in statistical breakdowns of minority groups in the Northwest show a prejudice that all people should find repugnant.