When the Department of Health announced the opening of multiple vaccination sites around Clark County, I immediately attempted to sign up. To my dismay I found (using the Safeway appointment tool) that there were no appointments available anywhere ever … at least through May.
Let me say that again: No appointments available anywhere, ever! Now after almost two weeks the appointment tool just notifies you at the first step that no appointments are available — anywhere.
When queried, the DOH representative gave the latest excuse du jour: “We are not receiving vaccines.” In other words, “it’s not our fault. It’s those other people’s fault.”
So why are other states (like Texas, Colorado, and New Mexico) able to vaccinate their over-65 residents, some over two weeks ago? They seem to be able to get vaccine and get it into people’s arms. Is DOH saying that Texas and Colorado and New Mexico are somehow better at doing their job?
It is time to stop making excuses and start doing whatever is necessary to get the people of Washington vaccinated. And if the people at DOH can’t get the job done, then get people into DOH who can.